Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Just be Single

Today in life so many teen are in relationships. They go out just to do it, gain popularity or maybe because they really like that person. But all it does is create STRESS. At first it may seem that everything in the world may be at the palm of your hands but then it changes.
As soon as you become apart of a relationship you then have more worries. You can never know if they cheated on you or will. You then have to make time for them. Slowly but surely you start to notice that you have no time to spend with your friends. Even the ones who you were closet to. There will always be arguments that will make you feel as though you have weight over your shoulder.
And then sometimes you find that the person that you thought you were in love with, the one that you thought was everything is nothing. Or now there jealous of every person of the opposite sex that talk to you. And wants to do nothing but be with them. You see who they truly are. Or maybe that person that you are with has done nothing wrong, but it is you who has change. You find that you don't want to be with him/her. and now you have to worry about hurting someones feelings.
When your single you don't have to worry about none of this. You do what you please whenever you want to. you don't have to worry about someone watching you over your shoulder. SO JUST BE SINGLE!!!!!


  1. Gosh Vanessa did you have a really bad relationship or do you just hate guys?

  2. i feel so sorry for you V-V
    because (believe or not) i use date a few people just for experiences, and i don't respect guys that disrespects their girl
    i just hate them!
